Membership COsts

The yearly cost of membership for a Cub Scout in Pack 743 is as follows, as of August 1st 2023:

Lion Scouts:

BSA Membership:  $80 per year National fee, $10 per year Council fee.  12 months membership.

BSA New Membership Fee:  $25.  One time charge for any new applicant

$125 Program fee.  Includes Lion t-shirt, handbook, cub scout belt.  Can be offset by selling popcorn.

Scout Life Magazine: $15 per year.

All Other Scouts:

BSA Membership:  $80 per year National fee, $10 per year Council fee.  12 months membership.

BSA New Membership Fee:  $25.  One time charge for any new applicant

Scout Life Magazine: $15 per year

Yearly Dues:  $65

Popcorn Fundraiser:  $450 sales minimum

Uniform Fees:  Complete Field Uniform shirt with patches, belt, neckerchief, slide and hat $130 to $150 depending on sizes and rank.