Scout Camps & Overnights
Scout Camps & Overnights
This program is a 4 day event hosted in both Armstrong and Lawrence Counties for any Cub Scout of rank Tiger to Arrow of Light (Remember that ranks change as of June 1st of each year). Lion Scouts are not permitted at camp, as they are not permitted to register until September of their Kindergarten year.
The day is broken into different activities that usually includes Archery, BB Guns, Crafts, Sports and many other exciting, age-appropriate scout skills. Drop off is typically 8:15 am and pickup around 4pm.
Resident Camp
This is a weekend camping experience, open for any Cub Scout of rank Tiger to Arrow of Light (Remember that ranks change as of June 1st of each year). Lion Scouts are not permitted at camp, as they are not permitted to register until September of their Kindergarten year.
Scouts will have opportunities to do lots of age-appropriate activities at Camp Bucoco that include aquatics, archery, BB guns, handicraft, and other fun items.
Cub Scout Family Camp / Open House.
This is a weekend camping activity hosted by Moraine Trails council where all families and Scouts are invited to camp and have a fun Saturday of various events at our camp. It is intended as an opportunity for the scouts and families to see what fun camping can be for your Cub Scouts.
Parent Action Items:
March Pack Meeting
Pack Sleepover Registration Deadline
Start Day Camp Registration
Start Resident Camp Registration
April Pack Meeting
Campout / Rank Advancement Ceremony Registration Deadline
Day Camp Registration Deadline - Application and deposit fees are due
Resident Camp Registration Deadline - Application and deposit fees are due
Visit our Documents Page for all the forms and information Packets you will need.