Resident Camp
Resident Camp
Moraine Trails Council | July 29 - July 31 2022
Intro to Resident Camp
All forms will be turned into Joe Ditch (Cubmaster). He will also answer any questions you might have.
Deadlines for Registration and payment is to the right under "Parent Action Items"
We will need Adults to attend the camp with Scouts who register. Make plans to attend if at all possible.
Cost For Resident Camp
Scouts $150 for Early Registration - $175 Otherwise
Leaders - $50
Early registration required $25 deposit by April 9th and full amount by May 7th.
Pack Deadline for Applications is April 6th. DO NOT BE LATE.
General Information about this Camp
Dropoff 1:00 pm Friday, Departure Sunday Evening after campfire
Over 20 activities offered and most go toward Rank Advancement, Electives.
Swimming, BB, Archery, crafts, food, and tons more
We will be looking for Volunteers to help with the stations. If interested, please let Mr. Ditch know.
Parent Action Items
Applications Due on or before the April 6th Meeting. Do not put this off.
Visit our Documents page for all the forms and packets you can possibly need to register and learn the ins and outs.
Visit for additional details about this camp and other camps offered in the area in 2022.
Contact Joe Ditch with Questions