Contact the Leaders

Contact the Leaders

In Cub Scout packs, Akela is a symbol of wisdom, authority, and leadership. Akela is anyone who acts as a leader to the Scout. Akela can be a Cubmaster, Den Leader, Teacher or Parent depending on where the guidance takes place. In den meetings, it is the Den Leader who is Akela. During pack meetings it is the Cubmaster. At home, the parents fill this role.

Below is a list of Akela who make Pack 743 great for the scouts.  Please contact any of us if you have questions or comments.

Position                                Person                                    Email Address                             

Cubmaster                          Justin Davis                            cubmaster 

Committee Chair                Joe Ditch                                chair

Lion Den Leader                                                                 den3                 

Tiger Den Leader                                                        den2

Wolf Den Leader                Jeremy Janusziewicz             den1

Bear Den Leader       Brian DiGia                            den6

WEBELOS Den Leader       Fred Spor                               den5

AOL Den Leader                 Rita Ditch                               den4

Treasurer                             Adam Neff                             treasurer

Popcorn Kernel                   Rita Ditch                               popcorn

Advancement Chair                                                           Advancement